Perfect Pet now offers full service dog boarding. We welcome breeds of all sizes and ages! Being primarily a training facility, your dog’s best interest will always be the focus. We include structured play with playgroups that have been hand selected by our trainers to ensure your dog has the best experience when playing with others. Do you have a dog that would prefer not to play with other dogs? No problem! We also include play time with staff members multiple times a day. Walks down the interurban trail are also included in their stay if weather allows. Our goal is to keep your dog busy and happy enough, that they don’t realize they missed you until they see you walking through the door to pick them up.
Cost: $35/night

Grooming Available!
Call to schedule an appointment
Bath includes: clean nails, ears, face, anal gland, shampooing, conditioning, blow drying and brush out.
Face, Feet and Fanny includes: Bath plus trim face, feet and fanny.
Full Groom includes: Bath plus trim everywhere.
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